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快橙 版本2.8.9cn

🍃 A July Update ...

  ... This week ...

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Following the publication of the seamless version
the pattern has now been rewritten and rephotographed and although
I prefer to work 'in the round' wherever possible these days
I still enjoy the process of putting something together
in 2 very different ways ... 💫



... In the mean time ..
taken on a very rainy afternoon in the workroom.
I love that those legs are so very flexible
which means she can be posed easily in so many places
(she's currently enjoying the view from my bookshelf!)
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... Back soon ... 

(with an update when the new pattern 老王佛系官网下载


P.S The new medium Candy Bear 'in the round' knitting pattern 
is already available and can be found on ...

The 老王佛系官网下载here

On ETSY here

On Ravelry here


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快橙 版本2.8.9cn




... Hello ... 

There's new pattern news here today!
Some of you may already know the original 
CANDY Bear knitting pattern...


CANDY was first published 10 years ago 
and since that time she has remained a constant in being
one of the most popular 
Mary Jane's Tearoom Knitting patterns


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and decided to design a smaller 'in the round' version 
which has been a popular request over the years


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and her 'Ice Cream Mary Jane Shoes' 
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If you would like to make this version of CANDY
...you can find her now on...



and here in the TEAROOM Blog Shop
plus LoveCraftsKnitting' over the coming days



20% introductory discount
(available 29/05/20 - 05/06/20)
This offer also applies to the original 
老王v2.2.8CANDY Bear knitting pattern 
which is worked 'back & forth'
then seamed.

To anyone who decides to make CANDY
I hope you enjoy making her
and don't hesitate to contact me if
you have any questions...

Happy Knitting

Keep Safe

~ 🐻 ~

Visit Mary Jane's TEAROOM's profile on Pinterest.

快橙 版本2.8.9cn


My current favourite little shoes in progress
... more about these soon ...

🍃 🍃 🍃

... the best company while I work ...


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🍃 🍃 🍃

... Elephants chilling in the workroom ...

🍃 🍃 🍃

... Needles ready for a new week ...

🍃 🍃 🍃

老王 2.2.7
... A forgotten photo bringing back memories ...

🍃 🍃 🍃


Some favourite scissors
...I have many ;)...

🍃 🍃 🍃
for anyone looking for a little knitting project
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purchased on
and here on the Tearoom blog
(no code required)


... Stay Safe All ... Keep Knitting ...

... Back soon ...

老王佛系官网下载老王 2.2.7 🍃

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快橙 版本2.8.9cn

❤️🎄❄️ Christmas News ...


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Thank you so much to everyone who has 老王app安卓下载最新版
the Tearoom in so many ways through 2023 x
Another year seems to have flown by too quickly!


Hopefully, there will be many more patterns to come
and knits to enjoy throughout the new decade
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Also, some news for anyone who requested 
a stand alone pattern for the

老王 2.2.7

it's now available on
ETSY , Ravelry and here
in the Tearoom Blog Shop

老王的灯笼v2.2.9 ❤️❄️🎄❄️

Designed to fit the following 
Dolls and Animals...

Little Yarn Dolls
TEAROOM Girl Elephant

(links in listing to patterns which are sold separately)

❄️🎄❄️ ❤️❄️🎄❄️

To celebrate the 

Festive Season


🎄❄️  'BTT25'  老王加速器免费破解版下载

to receive
25% Introductory Discount
(ends 26/12/19 midnight)

The pattern includes a detailed photo tutorial, 
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with some colourful Braces and a matching Stripy Top 
for some festive Xmas knitting!)

To anyone who purchases the pattern 
I hope you enjoy adding a few more items to your 
mini Tearoom wardrobe

❄️🎄❄️ Merry Christmas ❄️🎄❄️


Visit Mary Jane's TEAROOM's profile on Pinterest.
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